Listening to: nothing
Feeling: pissedoff
i always feel philosophical hehehehe hmmmmmm i havent updated in quite a while deary me mother saw my arm damn i enjoy being a good liar and my knee is bleeding again damn it k i shudnt laugh but hehehe, ms templeton is dead hehe. i shal email lorla. she wil like 2 no this. n gues wot i sed in my hed wen ms curtis told us man alive oh im such a wit ah wel netbal now g2g xHUGx
Read 4 comments
*is bored*

no laughing is wrong very wrong.

what did you tell your mother then?
alton towers yay :)

update damn you. update!
*does the 14 dance*

Ah, you haven't done an entry for ages. But you will as soon as I finish this comment so there we go.