The shadow proves the sunshine

Well, just got back from YP social. It was alright, sam wasnt there, and i'm happy to say i couldnt have given less of a crap. ally was there, and that was nice, didnt speak to him at all, but again, i couldnt really have given less of a crap. But yeah, an hour of watching the guys play football and laughing at their amusing attemts at being cool and their even more amusing faces when they lose. A good night. On a subject completely unrelated to that. I have a new hamster :) his name is Stuart, Stewie for short, and he belonged to an art teacher at my school, well, her children mroe accurately. And they couldnt look after him properly so i have officially adopted him. he is coming home tomorrow, but i met him today. he's adorable. School's been very quiet for the past little while, with 2 thirds of the year away in snowdonia, the biggest class i've had had 10 people in it, the smallest was 5. Only a few teachers made us actually work, others set us 'private study', which was pretty dull and pointless, now that all our coursework is finished and handed in, but oh well. Having such small classes made me realise how important it is to me to have my friends there. Yeah I had twiggy (and claudey in options, but thats just like normal)but by today i actually found she was realy annoying me, somethign which i didnt ever think would really happen, i mean, i love her to bits, but i think spending so much time with just one person, when tehres normally loads of others, really isnt good for me. Well i should probably go catch some sleep, having gone to bed so insanely early for the lst little while, i've found it really does make getting up in the morning a whole lot easier. bye all xHUGx
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