Let me out

Feeling: down
I hate fighting with my parents. not for any decent reason like i dont like making them angry or something. it just means that i'm always so tense. there is a physical tension in me, and i just get so fucking angry, and just thinking about how angry i am brings me close to tears. yesterday was going to be a pretty perfect day, then my parents decided to get stressed cos i changed plans which i never made. its a long story, which i cant be arsed to explain. then anytime i tried to avoid an argument, cos i was so bloody angry, i would have shouted at them, and probably ended up swearing at them, which would not go down well with my parents, i was yelled at even more. it completely fucking ruined my day with sam cos i got so pissed off then he got annoyed cos i was swearing too much. it also ruined my night, becuase clearly their mistake merited cancelling my sleepover with raz. i know its nothing compared to some of the shit my friends go through at home. but its still an argument, which i'm not used to, and i can't handle. and it's left me in a shitty mood. and people must think i'm over reacting so much, and trying to get sympathy for soemthing that doesnt even deserve it. but i dont give a fuck, this is my fucking diary, and if i'm this pissed off then this is the place that i'm gonna write it. its all kinda blowing over now. but mother and i still arent talking, and i'd like too keep it that way. i got too close to doing something very stupid today. i hate it.
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hey sooz, no-one said you were over-reacting, yeah, everyone argues with their parents, but yeah, it also makes you feel like shit. its important for you to express how you feel about it. (even if it merits the swearing, lol) hope you is okay now, and didnt do anything (i would say i wouldnt do, but that wouldnt work) that you don't need to do. love you lots. x x x
I hate arguing with my mum too. I went to cell group in tears from an argument with my mum and they were all a little perplexed, but the good thing me and my mum have going on really means a lot to me.

Muchos love schmoozles, and we will have an uber funky sleepover to make up for it xxx