say it ain't so.

Listening to: matchbook romance
Feeling: dandy
hey kids! today was fun, i must say. i've been doing really well lately. i'm very happy with my life. i think if i died tommorow i could say that i lived a very good life. some stuff has been on my mind lately though and i just need to get it off my chest. 1) i think it's really sad that not everyone is confident in who they are. 2) i think it's even more sad when people pretend that their life is going so great and pretend to be happy all the time but really they're just covering up their real self. 3) i think everyone deserves to be happy. 4) i wish i had the guts to say what was on my mind all the time. 5) i wish people would stop thinking track was a joke and stop screwing around when other people actually care about getting better. 6) i wish i were more pumped about florida. i hope it will be fun, but i'm not too sure it will be. 7) last, but not least, i wish everyone treated people with respect instead of like crap. the end. i love you all! ~bRiAnA
Read 5 comments
u totally agree with you on all of those, especially the ones that says everyone deserves to be happy. that is so true. also, i don't think anyone has the guts to say what's on their minds all the time. i mean, i try to for the most part, but for some things, like you know what, i just can't do. also, florida should be amazing. don't feel so bad about it. i know it's not going to be like you had originally planned, be i know you will have a...
READ OTHER ONE: good time, even with yur cousins that don't talk. just think it's warmer there that it is here. i totally agree with the th8ing about track. today i just couldn't handle it anymore. the mod squad is really getting to me. anyways, don;t worry about anything and learn from past mistakes because if you don't, you'll be doomed to repeat them in the future. (that a little ms. cameron for ya) ;) anyways, ilu and you know that kristen
you do too always tell what's on your mind, and that's awesome. the mod squad is def getting on the annoying side. i guess florida will be fun. maybe i'll bond w/ my cousin you know? and thanks for the comments, i love you lots too!
I LOVE U BRIANA BETH!!!!! I'm so excited for u to go to florida, but i'm gonna miss u like crazy! luv u babe!!!
i love you too leen and i miss you already!