how will i break the news to you?

Listening to: motion city
Feeling: idiotic
yo what up? how's everyone doing? i'm pretty good. i feel really blah though. like physically. my throat hurts and crap. but i'im guessing i'm just super duper tired, cuz i've gone to bed past midnight every day this week. this week was CRAZY! i feel like it was 3 weeks squished into one. which is kinda sad :-X but yea, i've had a TON of fun though. sunday & monday (which seems like years ago, btw) i was at my grandmas. it was really awesome to see her. then i got home and cleaned and hung out w/ james. i think we watched x-men 2, but i don't remember. tuesday i had young life and it was pretty sweet. wed. i had practice then went to the wrestling meet, and it was so intense! & they won, which is pretty sweet. then we went out to eat and i got home late, but it was totally and completely worth it. thursday i did a bunch of random crap. and friday too! haha so now i'm frickin tired and i totally just watched random tv shows for 3 hours. which was awesome, might i add. so as much as i'd love to stay and tell you guys every single thing about my week, i have to go get some sleep. have a super day, and i'll see basically all of you tommorow at the meet! :-D wahooooo! i heart you guys, briana "the best" dawson
Read 4 comments
that sounds exactly like my week. it went by so fast. but that's ok, that means less days unitl rhode island. yay! i'll see you later when...
...we meet up and Thomas Titans W-T-H-S before the meet. lol

see you later loser :P
your background is making me dizzy...but its ok..i forgive you. it's only because i love you.
i heart briana beth! pretty much i'm pumped to the maxabout our trip to rhode island!!! it is gonna be off tha hizzy for shizzy!!! if ya kno what i mean ;-)