
so anyway! i think that i made a big boo boo! well scott and i went a little far yesterday, and well i'm glad that he was the one to choose to stop. well we both did, but he said that respects me too much and that he didn't want to ruin anything! lol i wanted to hug and kiss him so much when he said that! well anyway, my big boo boo was that i said i love you. and well i always thought that after kyle it would be routine. well i guess it's not! it was like it was my first time saying it ever! i looked at him and i was i'm sorry! and he said, don't worry, i wanted to say it too! it was so sweet. well i have to go!
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Hey you. I almost did that the other day too. Don't know what else to say seeing as how I see you all the time. Love ya!
Heres the million dollor question...
Can you ever be of sound mind while your with him? Does it hit you while your making out, all those cruel thing, word of hatred, you spoke of him with? are you going to be able to hold out with your little "18" thing or are you just going to put out and be done? Think carefully now because everything you
"fought" so long for is on the lie. will he understand when you tell him no, or do you tell him no...
...and really mean yes? And if he doesn't get you little "code," will you be upset with him, too? And do you care for your self image, care for what the others think? would he be man enough to stay with you, or would he leave you high and dry? and does he expect sexual favors from you like his last relations?

Just some things to think on. Have fun,
P.S. don't send me any more "Survey" crap, if thats all you want my email for, delete
My little tip for the day, careful what you write on these things, you never no whos watching, and what they think.

I'm sooo happy for you!!!!

Its Bethany by the way!