14-year old cheese

Feeling: sane
more confessions not from me at least most of them anyway... i call myself from my home phone and leave messages so that when i come home and see that light flashing i feel better about myself... for a second anyways I caught my best friend jerking off to pictures of my mom when she went to cuba. I really hate kids. I mean, I truly despise them. Their presence repulses me. I cringe when I hear them talking in their little, high pitched voices and want to throw rocks at them. I do, however, love animals. when i was 12 i had strong feelings for my frineds cat and i had no idea why. i ended up stealing the cat and haveing anal sex with it. i ended up killing the cat and throwing it in the canal. I really feel like I could live a fulfilling life by killing others for money. I used to drown kittens in the toilet until they stopped breathing, so I could perform CPR on them and feel like a hero. Never lost one!
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how would one fuck a cat anally?

that would confuse a person like me...

sincerely, sarah