poop encrusted tree

Listening to: none
Feeling: infuriated
well yesterday we started on our video its freaking sweet even though its not done we are doing it on a book where theres a kid in the mental hospital so we have me as brint the psychiatrist i tried to spell it and kevin as the crazy kids dad and i am petting a toy truck yes a toy truck as you see in the movies when the counceler is like petting a cat im too cool for cats so im petting a toy truck well anyway theres also a gun rack in the backround because if your in a mental hospital you need a gunrack here we go ME: Hello my name is Brint the psychiatrist and here we have David Farmer. HIM:I'm also Anthony Delmonte. ME: Yes that brings up an interesting topic why do you have two names? HIM:Well i got in some trouble with the government and they gave me a new name and location and i never told my son because well hes retard... BOTH:Unctrollable laughter.... ME:Wanna pet my truck? (hands truck to him) BOTH:more uncontrollable laughter and thats all we got down its amazing we spent like 40 minutes on it and have 30 seconds of video wait no josh recorded kevin talking on the phone and josh just zoomed into his crotch the whole time next we are going to fake a car accident we will have me standing out in the street saying ahhh a car going to fast to stop then we will have the camera turn off then put a scarecrow up in place of me then i will drive a car into it and well make it so you can see im driving so it looks pathetic then stop camera then have me laying on ground dead and it will be very cool if youve seen the family guy episode then you know what im talking about BAHHHHHHHHH i have that damn meeting tonight i totally forgot all about that jessica had to tell me so im not sure who owes who as now i had to change out of my nice warm comfortable pajamas into my other clothes that were cold or we both owe each other lol the same thing we owed before as that was joyous hmm she has a band concert tonight along with all the other fruits in band which makes me laugh but then again i have to go to mall of america with orchestra tomorow but i have to leave early because of swim meet bah thats gay damn test in kraemers class im pretty sure she wants me its disgusting i asked her if i could yes her calculator shes like ROAR GET YOUR OWN i told her i was too poor to afford one and that she had offended my family by saying such a thing so she finally let me use it then she said she wrote her name in blood on the back and the whole class is like WHAT!?!?! and she said it was nail polish i told her i was scarred for life and wanted to go home but she made me take the damn test which i had no idea what was going on so for the last question which confused me greatly i drew a picture of a robot and he is eating a baby and its cool maybe ill get points for creativity i doubt it but maybe i think ill go now get ready for damn meeting...
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im a fruit.. is that good or bad.. and hell you play in an orchestra now how does that not make you a fruit..?

so now you owe me a hug dont you..
oh i do.. do i.. hmm .. well then..
oh and yes we should go to the ringer as people acting like retards is cool...