100 things

Listening to: Rob Zombie-Superbeast
Feeling: blah
100 Things
1: First grade teacher's name:swanson 2: Last word you said: bye 3: Last song you sang: coming undone 4: Last person you hugged: lindsey 6: Last time you said I don't remember: I dont remember ::PRESENT:: 9: What color socks are you wearing: White 10. What's under you bed right now? uhh whats a bed? 11: What time did you wake up 2day? 5:43 was when my alarm was set for 12: Current taste: metalic braces... 13: Current hair: short? 15: Current annoyance: my eyeballs 16: Current longing: to be not at home filling out a 100 things because im that bored 17: Current desktop background: its a fire eye it looks hella cool 18: Current worry: uhh i dunno 19: Current hate: oh so many 20: Current favorite article of clothing: my tshirt 21: Favorite physical feature of the opposite sex: eyes... 22: Last CD that you listened to: korn see you on the other side 24: Least favorite place: Home 25: Time you wake up in the morning?: wow did i not just answer that? ohh i see well mon-wed-fri i get up at 5:43 otherwise its 7 damn weightlifting/swimming... 27: Favorite color: Silver, Black 28: Do you believe in an afterlife: sure 30: Current favorite word/saying: hella 31: Favorite Candy: uhh dunno 32. favorite season: winter or spring 33: One person you wish u could talk to right now: uhh jessica? ::FUTURE:: 35: Where do you want to go for college? ridgewater 36: What are you going to be?: hopefully go into law enforcement 37: How many kids do you want: 1-3...not a lot ::HAVE YOU EVER...:: 39: Said "I love you" and meant it:thought so 40: Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird, etc?:id lose... 41: Been to New York: yes 42: Been to Florida: yes 43: Been to California: yes 44: Been to Hawaii: yes 45: Been to Mexico: yes 46: Been to China: No 47: Been to Europe: no 48: Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day:thats a sign of too many drugs 52: Do you have a crush on someone:bah yes... 53: What book are you reading:well im suppose to be reading the great gatsby yet im on page 11 which is where the teacher stopped reading and we are supposed to be on page like 100 or so by monday? 54: What is the worst feeling in the world: rejection 55:What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: fucking a... 56: How many rings before you answer: i dont answer phone...ever...unless its my cell then it doesnt really have a ring? its byob 59: Do you sleep with a stuffed animal:not anymore 64: Do you do drugs? i can truthfully answer no to this 65: Do you drink: sometimes 66: Do you shower: what the hells a shower? 67: What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use?: the cheap stuff or the stolen stuff from the horels 68: What are you scared of: dying alone,rejection, getting mauled by beavers 69: What clothes do you sleep in? depends? if i fall asleep with clothes on or not or if i decide to put my pajamas on? 70: Who is the last person that called you:that called me? who would call me? 71: Where do you want to get married: outside 72: If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: quit being an ass to everyone 73. Who do you hate: me.. 74: Been In Love: not sure... 75: Are you timely or always late: depends? if its for something stupid then im late everyday...reminds me of communications... 76: Do you have a job: yes 77: Do you like being around people:depends? 78: Best feeling in the world? being unalone yes i can make up words 79: Are you for world peace: that will never happen but it would be nice 80: Are you a health freak?: ahahah you make me laugh 82. You want someone you can't have?: i want her but she deserves so much more then what i can give 83: Are you lonely right now: if i wasnt would i be filling this out? 84: Ever afraid you'll never get married: not really as honestly it doesnt seem to make much of a difference to me right now id like to have someone there to be with me but i dont really deserve anyone 85: Do you want to get married: see previus 86. Do you want kids?: it would be nice ::IN THE LAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU...:: 87: Cried: ya 88: Bought Something:yea 89: Gotten Sick:yea still am 90: Sang: maybe? wait yes 91: Said I Love You: no... 92: Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them:yea.. 93: Met Someone: New?no 94: Moved On:no 95: Talked To Someone: i would hope so 96: Had A Serious Talk: not really its always just jokes but i did talk to lindsey about some issues that have arised 97: Missed Someone: Yea like now 98: Hugged Someone: yea 99: Yelled at Someone: i yelled hi jeff in the lunch room this morning it was really loud 100: Thought About Someone You Can't Be With?: like right now? yes
Read 4 comments
Okay, I'm really too tired to read that. That's way too long of a list to even attempt at 5 am with no sleep in the past two days. I must say. Let the snowmen plot. They'll met if they try anything anyways. As for the whole throwing my undies at your feet thing.. I'll pass. I've grown rather attached to these.. lol
do you have aim ?? my dairy name is crazyhottthang
and it was really cool
what is a horel?
and Unalone eric
I am so happy for you
any pics ?