lol that sucks like totally.. but i bet your warm now cuz you went to bed and are maybe still sleeping..
where would i live?
that would be nice and cozy.. lol.. how bout we burn that up.. but we still need a place to burn it..
why are you goin to walmart at ten thirty at night.. whats at walmart that dearest eric needs..?
and the tshirt is at walmart.?
hmm well i hope you the bestest of a search and hope you find what your looking for detective.. lol wow lol..
ah.. ah.. ah.. but wierd is a good thing..
lol indeed.. so we sometime will have to start that streaming fire.. we have to think of a place though.. when one of us thinks of one then we can do it.. lol..
great.. it will be fun.. and we'll use our great minds that can think alike to do this thinking process in which we'll need to do..
thats pretty much how it would go..
ok.. well i guess you left to the lovely wallyworld.. i hope you find the shirt thing.. nighty tight sleep well tonight dearest eric..
and where will i sleep then..
lol i totally am online.. and today hmm.. hopefully sometime ill take a shower cuz i havent done that for a while lol... and uh watch movies.. and play sudoko and cook that jello thing and thats about it.. oh except i have church tonight then im going to christas with sarah and then tomorrow.. AHH tomorrow im goin to school in new london lol.. paint.. eh.. what are you gonna paint now.. the inside still?
but jess had to go clean so now its just me and you.. i was talking to her for a while on here but then she had to go clean.. tear..
ya cleaning sucks.. and i think orange is good.. orange is my favorite color.. i would have totally said orange even if you didnt say orange lol..
whoa i never thought of that.. i think its still a game though.. i think im gonna go too .. i hope you have fun painting.. good luck dont mess it up too much loll.. jk.
lol you funny kid
What a TARD!!! your on again? haha
i was cleaning ERICAAAAAA
ugh thats interesting. im in school right now.. lol are you awake yet.. i think i got a total of like 3hours of sleep last night.. if even that lol..AND.. I HAVE NOS!!!
school is fun so far.. im having fun with sarah again i went to a few classes with christa were in fifth hour right now.. time sure flies when your having fun.. are you having a spectacular day..?
actually school was kind of boring after a while.. im sorry your day was uneventful..
ooo you couldnt finish it there could you..haha.. sad.. did you go to coldstone before or after cuz if you went before then its an exception but if you went after.. then well its a semi exception.. i dont know..
yeah well 89 id better... i was born AND conceived then.. lol that means that on New years day........ewwwwwwww
a barbie doll?
im cleaning... lol not... but i will now so bye
Haha. Jagermeister!!
oh well i hope you had a splendid time.. i made supper.. it was uh.. ok but i made wayy tooooo much.. i hope your burrito was scrumdiddlyumptios.. and your day was good too.. amazing how we get the same things.. wierd minds might think alike..?
so your saying we have great minds.. wow you really really responded quickly you must really be bored eh?
lol i am online.. or at least kind of no wait ya i am.. wow that was stupid of course im on and you can tell that.. but you you werent on so i couldnt tell that you were on..
now your visible boy..
you are.. and did you have a good day today..?
whoa you got chipotle AND COLDSTONE man that had to be definatly worth it.. ugh my day was rather boring.. i tried cooking a lasagna like thing it turned out well but im sure i could feed like 10 more people.. are you hungry lol..
no its not... your wrong
ya pretty im just kidding.. i suppose you were saving room.. plus its probably safer if you dont eat the whole thing at once.. *stands back and glares at self in mirror* lol..
meh i suppose so.. what are you doing tomorrow.. sitting on your butt? lol
ahh but it is..
and it could only be but the truth..
wow im good lol... you could rent movies because you know you can.. then you can be like me and watch them
that would be fun.. you have to show me them.. you know what i still havent done that we have to do sometime in our lifetimes..
put a line of gasoline in the dirt and start it on fire lol..
whoa right now.. at ten fifteen lol..
lol and where are we going to light this fire?
lol yeah really?