
It's Christmas time in hollywood, Santa's back up in the hood, So lets meet under the mistletoe lets fuuuuck. It's hanakah in inglewood, dradle spinning in the hood, so meet me by the minorah lets get drunk. Merry Christmas Children. So sup.. kneegrows im soooo sick. I dislike alot. I was suposed to go see my bebe's tomorrow but I doubt I will even be allowed to which licks nuts alot. Bah! Basically I bring all the boys to the fricken yard. I won't get into detail why, but I just have skills. Hokay? So i'll i've done is sleep and not move cuz my limbs actually hurt and its stupid x 132142. I hate not doing anything. I want my parents to bring me home an effing slurpee to but their being so effing gay about it. Their actually being assholes about me being sick. And VERY clearly I am sick so lame. O well. PeacePrincess. ♥
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hate being sick!
and yes, friends =)