
This is all bullshit. I’m so tired of friends; I’m tired of absolutely everything. I’m only talking to random people who don’t give a shit about me anymore. I can’t take this. Do I have any friends that don’t screw me over anymore? Cause that seems to be the reoccurring theme here. Am I that big of a bitch? Tell me please I want to know. I can’t stand the two faced people anymore. I can’t stand the people who say one thing and then do another. I can’t stand the people who are supposed to be my friends but then go and give in to other people because they “don’t want to deal with it.” I just can’t do this anymore. I can’t have these people constantly fucking me over anymore. You can’t not talk to me for three months and then call me one night in a fit of desperation and then just leave me hanging again. Don’t you care that you just stopped being my friend? Doesn’t that bother you at all? I just don’t know anymore. Then it’s like can’t you fucking stand up to this bitch already and let her have her little hissy fits and pout in the corner. And can’t you fucking treat me with a little decency once in a while and not act like I’m not standing right next to you. I hate this already. I can’t take it, I can’t. it isn’t right. You people are (or were) supposed to be my friends, don’t do this to me.
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