...Good Morning McAdoo...

Feeling: excited
So yeah, life has been pretty sweet. It really couldn’t get any better…well maybe if I woke up tomorrow and was 15 pounds lighter, but I’m working on that, so yeah. My last entry really didn’t talk about my life so let me update what has been going on for the past 4 weeks. I came back from being home and moved into a different dorm because I absolutely hated my last one and my roommate. Well now I live in K-hall like 6 doors down from my girl Amanda. We have been having a blast for the past couple of weeks. I’m over her “house” every single night and I wouldn’t have a night go by without us laying on her bed and looking up at the stars (well, the foot/cornucopia looking crack in the ceiling). We have gotten so close and I don’t know what I would have done without her through all the bullshit that is finally all cleared up in my life. I love her to death and I am so glad we got close. I’m so glad she came and saw me that weekend at work. I’m so glad we went to the W. Chester Diner that night and most of all I’m so glad that she understands me and takes me for who I am and never asks me to be someone I’m not. And it you’re reading this, which I know you are, I wanna thank you for coming into my life and making it better than I could have ever imagined. Before I met you, I was miserable, and now I’m happier than I’ve ever been. You make school bearable you make it, dare I say, fun. I just want you to know that I appreciate you so much even though sometimes it doesn’t seem like I do. I care about you more than you know and you are truly one of my best friends. I’m glad I was the one that was there for you and I wouldn’t have wanted anyone else there with you in the big ER. I never would have let you go alone and I’m happy I got to be the one that had your back. I will always be there for you no matter what and no matter who else does or doesn’t. You’re my girl through thick and thin and don’t ever forget it! You can come to me with anything. I love you and your little Korean face!
So yeah, that’s a major part of why I’ve been doing so good over the past few weeks, I found a friend that has my back equally as much as I have hers. Other than that, school is going good. I’m doing ok in my classes; hopefully I can start doing better than ok. Now I’m home for spring break and I absolutely cannot wait to see Karen on Sunday. I missed her SOOOO much. I really never realize how much I miss her until I got these long periods without seeing her. It was like last year I was so used to seeing her everyday and now I don’t, it’s weird, but Sunday we are going to have the best time ever. I cannot wait. I’ll get to see a lot of people I haven’t seen in forever, which I’m excited about and just being home makes me feel good too. I missed my fam even though they are already getting on my nerves, but that’s ok. I have a busy week ahead of me already. I have to go to the eye doctor I have to take my mom, I have to cantor Confirmation on Tuesday we’re going shopping on Wednesday, gonna try and go see Johnny up at Cinemark. I have to get my hair cut we’re going to the gym I wanna try and get down to Marian sometime and in between all that I have to hang out with people…Christ I’m one busy chica, maybe that’s why when I come home it doesn’t even seem like I’m home cause it goes so fast cause I’m constantly busy, oh well it’s worth it though. I miss my bed and not getting woken up at 9:30 every morning by the damn garbage truck :-P So yeah, tomorrow I have to get two cameras developed with the pics from NY on them :-D I cannot wait for that, Andrew Rannells :-D such a cutie, too bad he’s gay…yes, I didn’t mention anything about NY! ARG! Yeah so me and Amanda went to NY two weeks ago and had the most amazing time ever. We went up to Lincoln Center, I’ve been DYING to go up there for like ever, so I was so excited. I saw the Met and got pics oh it AND me by one of the Julliard signs. We went to see Hairspray which was totally awesome, such an amazing show and then went to see Doubt another interesting straight play. We also ate at Cosi which just makes my life, such a good place. What an amazing time and we are going back for my b-day because Amanda, being the amazing friend she is, is taking me to see La Boheme :-D I just love this girl. So needless to say I cannot wait to get these pics back even though we never did get our pic! Oh well, for my b-day. Anyways, yeah I have to go get pics developed and go to Sally’s to get green nail polish for the St. Patties day parade :-D Cannot wait for that either! I’m just full of excitement all around. So anyway, I will update later this week as the drama unfolds and as things happen. Peace out till then kiddies :-D
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Oh my girl, you've got me crying buckets over here in Maryland. Miss you so much! Love you forever, my 'Chick!! <3 Amanda with the Korean face