for you....

Listening to: black sabbath
Feeling: discarded
i was going to go to bed..... this is for you brittany..... you will never read this, but thats not the point, this is for me i guess i am writing this because of recent events that have passed without any true resolution. well this is my resolution of it. i loved you so much. i wanted to give you the world. what we had meant so much to me that it still keeps me awake at night. i am going to let you go. i let you go physically after choices you made that were detrimental to us were repeated. when you wanted us again, i said no. i wanted you back. i wanted us again. things were just so screwed up. we were too apart for our own good. i want you to know that i will always have a place in my heart for you.... take care 'bubby' may the road rise up to meet you, and the wind be always at your back
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Thank you for your comment I guess I do down play my feelings alot. I guess im a little un confident of myself, or undeserving. I enjoy your comments and I must say that you are a cutie:-)
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