forever lost

at some random point in life you realize that you finally lost something... this something could be anything from your own sanity to the one you adored for so long... and these thoughts dont hit you until years have past and it makes you think... i have taken many things for granted but i dont think that i have ever fealt more ashamed about it than now... not because of the situation i am in but because of the fact that these realizations come far too late in life for me... ------------------------------------------- on a wonderfull side note it has been four damn years sence we broke up... wtf ------------------------------------------- on another side note there are only 10 users on... i have never seen only 10 users on this before... odd... -------------------------------------------- reflecting on high school... christ i was stupid... they actually re-wrote the rule book for me... i almost was sued twice by freshman parents... all in my senior year... was not alloud to go to prom, grad night, home coming, and some other events... for what? to fuck around? yeah, basically...
Read 21 comments
:-) That's really cool. What's your major?
It was really nice talking to you the other night. I wish you updated more often.

We should all be so lucky to have somebody to keep us on our toes the rest of our life. Them's good times. :P
Thanks for the conversation and the advice. If you don't mind I'm adding you as a friend. Good night. :-)
I've never heard of that book. Next time I go to the book store I'll pick it up. I like offbeat poetry.
I write poetry too and most of the time I think it is horrible but sometimes I write one I think is good. I'll read it later and its like the most ignorant piece of junk ever produced. lol
I love it.
I love it but I don't think I'm good at it. :-)
That's good advice. I was thinking about just majoring in business so I could use it in any field.
I hope so. Otherwise I'm going to be a professional student. :-)
I'm totally lost in school. I just have no idea what I want to major in. I'm halfway done with my second year and I'm still undecided.
what if you just realize it at exactly the time that your ready for it so nothing ever comes too late just at the right time
I'd like to work in TV. Like write or something.
Yeah it did. Thats too annoying. lol
WV does look picture perfect in the winter. I like living here but it's not a good place to be if your young. No jobs plus a horrible economy.
im glad the pumpkins theme has made you happy. it makes me happy too!

No, I haven't been any farther east than Tennessee. Have you ever been to the east coast?
Definitely. When I graduate, my sister, her boyfriend, and I are moving to Arizona or California.
My school was a college last year but this year they tacked on the university label. Now things are ten times more expensive and ten times worse. :-)

Concord University. It's a small school in WV. Are you in school?

:-) Beer pong... lol Yes, thinking of that does make me feel better.
