I found out that Marilyn manson deleted Twiggy Ramirez(aka Jeordie White from Perfect Circle) and John 5(aka John Lowery from Loser) from his Nobodies video in the last year just because they arent in his band anymore. Shitty move manson, you fucking overzealous mediawhore. THEY FUCKING WROTE THE MUSIC FOR THE SONG DUMBASS! WITHOUT THEM YOURE JUST ANOTHER GUY DOING DEF JAM POETRY BUT ON A BIGGER STAGE! Alright enough of that shit. Me and my bud Josh our popping out new songs and music like dead fetuses at an abortion clinic. Schools goign fine except the stairs issue. Plus I hate doing homework so nothings working. Im actually participating in gym. That means changing in a locker with other boys! No seriously i couldnt care less. Im not one of those pussys who're afraid of being made fun of. Swallow your pride and drop em! Alright I gotta be more serious. Im thinking about being nice to some of the people ive been mean to. But not all of them. Dont expect an apology because i havent made up my mind and i might not even apologize to you but to someone else. i guess thats serious enough. Ohwell time to break out the crayons and draw a picture.
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