Turns out noone i applied for is hiring so me and my friends-the uneployed ones- are gonna go up all the stripsin middletown in search of jobs. One of the places is dunkin donuts i cant imagine a couple a fatasses like me and tim working in a donut shop. It would be fucking hilarious. Id rather work there than mcdonalds because mcdonalds is like the lowest job you could ever get. No matter how desperate i get i will not work at mcdonalds. Oh well i need money. Please send me some cause im starting to be poor.
In other news I officially hate my art class because im tired of drawing a boring -not to mention broken- chair. Ill keep the class though because in the distant future we are alloewed to recreate any painting from any artist. Guess who i plan on doing. Heres a hint: Real name is Brian Warner.
Ta Ta Toots