Next Stop: Middletown Music

I think that today I'll go to Middletown Music Store to look at basses so I know how much to save up for. It would be nice to own a B.C. Rich Bass Guitar but Im probably too poor to even look at it. Oh well. Also my band added a new member. Her name is Beth and Ive been told shes a kickass guitarist. Yeah thats 2 people who can play and 2 people who cant. Shadow you got off easy being singer cause you dont have to deal with any of this shit. Lucky you. To band members: We need to have our first band meeting soon. Well later i guess
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Well, Its easier for my mom so she doesnt have to pay for my guitar and Goat's Drums...and beth's stage name might be "Night", but only if she wants it as her name

too lazy to sign in
whatever geoff...we will hav it soon...i dont know when but sometime...maybe at the end of the month when we have our party...

The first band meeting will be at my halloween party, which is October 29th, I dunno what time yet though, but yeah, there'll be some other kids there as well to help with ideas for clothing and all the other stuff.
yeah middletown music is over priced