Listening to: Tom Petty
Feeling: patient
My mouse is breaking and its driving me nuts. I’m not very good at beginning these things, well, beginning much of anything is a bit of problem for me, always has been see. I like when shifty wise guys add ‘see’ to the end of everything in old movies. I suppose this is when I explain I’m feeling random, but the thing is I’m not at all. These are all perfectly logical leaps to me but I suppose you as the reader may disagree. I’m not interested in a conflict at the moment, so you’ll have to get over it see.
Today started off full of suck. Not only did I not get to go to the beach with Cait… again, but I also received the curse. Things turned around though I went out to lunch with my mother and grand father, which was good clean fun. I learned Cait can be a real nincompoop, but that’s all going to work out alright. I’ve made escape plans for my current relationship and I feel less anxious about it all. Were going to a show tomorrow and I’m excited about the prospect. So long as he doesn’t do something infinitely stupid like fall in love with me it should all be alright see.
but thanks.
That right there is a great line, see?