MaryJanes Last Dance

Listening to: Tom Petty
Feeling: patient
My mouse is breaking and its driving me nuts. I’m not very good at beginning these things, well, beginning much of anything is a bit of problem for me, always has been see. I like when shifty wise guys add ‘see’ to the end of everything in old movies. I suppose this is when I explain I’m feeling random, but the thing is I’m not at all. These are all perfectly logical leaps to me but I suppose you as the reader may disagree. I’m not interested in a conflict at the moment, so you’ll have to get over it see. Today started off full of suck. Not only did I not get to go to the beach with Cait… again, but I also received the curse. Things turned around though I went out to lunch with my mother and grand father, which was good clean fun. I learned Cait can be a real nincompoop, but that’s all going to work out alright. I’ve made escape plans for my current relationship and I feel less anxious about it all. Were going to a show tomorrow and I’m excited about the prospect. So long as he doesn’t do something infinitely stupid like fall in love with me it should all be alright see.
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i saw the guy my girlfriend cheated on me with? i def. never liked him... especially romantically.

but thanks.
'So long as he doesn’t do something infinitely stupid like fall in love with me'
That right there is a great line, see?
no i haven't made a list yet. in all honesty i forgot. I'll start it this wednesday