Listening to: jay leno
Feeling: hungover
Yesterday was retarted for a number of reasons... First because of all the crazy dreams i've been having about D i decided to call him again. I finally got a hold of him after calling 2 or 3 times with out answer. Anyway once i got him on the phone i asked him why he hadn't returned any of my calls. First he said he thought i was mad at him, then he said that he hadn't gotten any of his phone messages. I asked him if he had found a girl friend or somthing and he said no. I asked him if he still wanted to be with me and at first he said no, i don't think he was paying attention to what i was saying then i was like you still want to be with me and he said yes. I asked if he worked and he said that he did. I asked when he was going to come over and he said he would stop by on his way to work. He came over here earlieer then i thought that he would. He sat beside me on the couch and started making out with me right away. We had sex. Then he said that he had time to watch a movie before he had to go, so i stuck one on. He fell asleep with his head on my lap till i woke him up at 4 so he could go to work. We didn't really talk it had been over two weeks since we last saw eachother and he had nothing to say. I was kind of dissapointed.
I had plans with JD later, she was spose to come over and dye my hair for me and chill out. She called from her sister's boyfriends house and was beggin me to come over there and drink with them. I din't want to and said so but she didn't take no for an answer. I reluctantly agreed. I jumped on the bus and went there. She called while i was on the bus saying she talked to NB and he was at their house and going to come over, since i was like at Spence anyway i jumped off the bus and got a ride with him over there. WE drank, they fought, he left. She went to the bathroom and accused us of talking about sex while she was there , which we weren't doing and that's how the fight started. NB ended up leaving as usual. He came back like 2 or 3 times. But whatever. JD and i eventually left when K passed out, she called NB to come pick us up. Then she said she was going to come over here, she and NB fought in the car about her comming here but she did. Well for like half an hour, then she called Billy from Brandon and then NB and got him to come here and pick her up. I am mad at her. She's a bitch.
Speaking of Bitches A is a bitch too. She called me at 2am while i was drinking and said that she had spent my money on crack. then she hung up on me when i was expressing my anger. Then later, after JD left my place A phoned again saying that her and J got into a fight the cops were called and she was forced to leave and needed a place to stay and wanted to stay here. I said no not after the way you treated me today. She hung up on me.
Another bitch is KK. She called me like 3 times today left a message on the machine while she was crying her eyes out saying she needed to ask me a favor. I was all hung over and was spose to be at school so i didn't call her back till later. When i did call her later she was all choked becasue she was refused for welfare becasue of the sale of her house and the equity she would get. Like duh. She wanted me to babysit so she could go out and get drunk. Bitch. I don't respect or like her anymore.
I hate all my friends I dont' want them anymore. I hate em all
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