The Nothing

Listening to: none
Feeling: ambivalent
So D and I broke up, it's been 2 days now. It all happened like this.... On Friday, I was talking to him on the phone, I was at JD's and he was at R's place, the conversation was going fine, nothing special, at the end I said "I love you" as usual. but he wouldn't say it back, I kept saying I love you, waiting for him to say something and he just said good bye and hung up. This bothered me , like we've been together for over 2 yrs, what was the big deal in saying I love you like always. Anyway at 2am I paged him and he called back, I asked him why he didn't say he loved me, he was just saying "pssst" and hung up. I paged him back again and he kept just saying psst and hanging up. He was still at R's place. Finally He called me again from home and I asked him why he didn't say I lvoe you to me, he told me it was because he dind't want his friend to make fun of him. LIke come on these people are in there thirtys. and then D just started triping out and yelling so loud at me for nothing, like I had already moved on, I asked my question, got my answer and whatever was asking about his evening. but he was triping. He kept hanging up on me. and he dumped me, said he was going to come and get his cat and his stuff sat at 3pm. Whatever. I had a horrible night. I couldn't sleep and I was upset. Anyway he called me saterday at 2 and was almost trying to make up but instead he started fighting with me again scraming all the stuff he said the night before. So whatever I told him it didn't matter it was over, he ended it and whatever to come get his stuff like he had planned at 3. So at 3 he shows up only takes his cat and says that he doesn't want the rest of his stuff and whatever, because he doean't want me to feel like he's usuing me as storage. Whatever, anyway he leaves and then once he's home he calls again, saying that he's sorry it didnt' work out and that it was for the best, it was along time comming and we weren't even a real couple anyway because we weren't going to be spending christmas together. (that's his own fault because i asked him and he said whatever, he dind't care, so I made plans to go to see my family even offered for him to come too. and yeah i'd rather spend christmas with people who actually want me around.) anyway while he was saying all this stuff, I dind't say anything.. just hello when I answered the phone. The he was like well I guess this is goodbye, so I just hung up. haven't heard from him since. Today I got a prank call...someone phoned started pressing numbers and hung up but I could hear some girl talking saying she's there. I almost think it was D but I dont' know if he was behind it, but i wouldn't put it passed him. But come on he's thirty one years old. I was sad on friday night when we were arguing but now i'm not sad i'm not really anything. I feel like I wasted my time and my money, because he gave back his christmas pager and I spent like 80bucks on it with the 3mo of service. I have no use for a pager. I don't know. I feel like I should be sad or something but i"m not i'm nothing. I don't care I don't care about anything right now. I should be studing my fanial is on tuesday and I haven't studed at all. Anbyway I guess that's all I have to say for now.
Read 6 comments
*gasp!* you want me to tell you my secret!! lol mk do you have messenger cuz it wont show up on this... ~*Libby*~
hey this is iheartyou666 im not signed in sorry. my bf just broke up with me cuz im to boring =-/ im sorry i hate him lol
aw first i just have to say that brings back horrible memories when i was dumped after almost a year. *sigh* it was horrible. i'm still trying to get over it. and for the letters around the icon, i'll have to copy and paste a code for u to use. copy it in ur header..i think and then just type what u want it to say and what not. i'll comment in a sec and tell u in better detail.

hang on :)

there ya go. just copy and paste that to ur header info in ur preferences and then change the text to anything u want. hope that helped. take care. :)

thank you for your comment and care. it's a weird addiction..very hard to get over, im not ready yet. much love*.
thank you for your comment and care. it's a weird addiction..very hard to get over, im not ready yet. much love*.