ugh...parental units

Listening to: Cry-Mandy Moore
Feeling: excited

ok i finally got my internet back. i came home friday and my internet was shut off cuz i 'broke a rule' one of the rules my parents made and i was like UGHHHH. soo i got it back now and i have alot to catch up on.

friday i didnt do anything cuz i was in "trouble". yesterday i slept in and it felt SOO good! then me, my dad, brother, and dylan went to the batting cages. i actually hit alot of balls lol i was proud cuz that was my first time like ever trying to hit a ball. then we went to blockbuster and got some movies. then omg i finally brought the thing about me wanting a very small dog for ME thing up to my parents and they said if i did some research and found a dog that was small and didnt bark and was easily trained they would think about it. ten they went out to play pool. i watched my brother and we watched Soul plane ((wow that movie was...interesting)) and then my babys daddy. this morning we woke up and went bowling for the first day of the league. shellie was there and i think shes mad at me or something cuz she was like blowing me off. but my dad isnt playing softball toniht cuz he got hurt last week.

so i gotta go check my email...might take me a while lol ill write again later


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sikboy__please go to this link.
please read these three short entries written by my friend, a cancer patient. pray to your god if you pray.
please leave a note with something nice to say. he needs to know people care. he needs inspiration. don.t say sorry. i can.t make him feel this by myself.
i need your help. please.
sorry if already left this here, please help spread this.