hmm YAY!

ok so on friday the day went by SUPER slow cuz i was soo excited about getting my nose pierced. so on friday i came home and at like 5 we went to get katie and went and got my nose pierced =) my sister was suposed to get it done WITH me but she ended up going later. so i went home and saw my neice for the first time. she is 2 and a half weeks old and SO cute. shes really bald and makes so many noises but its adorable lol. then me and katie went and saw amityville horror ((wow)) lol it wasnt like TERRIBLE but it was pretty bad. we laughed almost the whole time...and the best part was at the end the ghost girl is just like standing there and katie goes "aww shes cute...except for the bullet hole" lol and we laughed so hard it was great. but i also cried when the dog got chopped up. so we had jacob my nephew all week, so we took him to katies softball game sat morning. they won 14to3 and they are 2-1 woo. then katie came back over and we played catch like all day. and laughed at stupid stuff...which is normal lol. today it was gross and rainy so we chilled all day inside. we even watched jurrasic park lol...and then we both passed out in the living room till rachel and jason came to get jacob. just now i died my hair with koolaid again lol. i was just sitting there thinking about how i wanted my hair back i did it. its not as red as it was the first time, but its still different from this afternoon. off to another week of LATER
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i should get my nose pierced soon. how painful was it, on a scale of 1 to 10?
: P