the Tsunami...

man i knew this thing was bad...but i didnt know it would get THIS bad. just since it happend the number of people dead is like INSANE, and then the people missing is just too many. i watched a couple videos on comcast about some survivors. there was this woman that floated in the ocean for like 5 days on a palm tree. in the you know whats out there!? she was found by a boat and they said she lived by eating the tree ((bark and fruit)) but she had fish bites and really bad fatigue. this other guy was found out there floating on a door...hes very strong inside AND out!! i couldnt have dont that. they re both going to live. then there was this supermodel who hung on to a tree for 8 hours, the wave swept her up there and she just stayed, but her boyfriend is still missing.

they are also talking about how now kids are being kidnapped. cuz they need anything else to happend?? people are just taking the children off the street during the chaos for who knows what...probally sex slaves, or just slaves in general ya never know. its like when the hurricanes hit florida ppl were just walking into ppls houses and stealing their shit. WHY would you do that!? i mean this familys house is already destroyed AT LEAST let them come back and get thier belongings...ppl in this world piss me off.

actually me and my key club are going to raise money to fund tsunami help. its the least i can do to help. we are just going to collect change, which seems small but ACTUALLY we did it around halloween for under privledged children and we raised about 200$ just from teenaged pocket change. i just wish there was more i could do, because thats something they could control...OR prepare for. theres no way to know when an earth quake is going to happen under the they had NO way of knowing. its just sad.


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