people being upsessed with my boyfriend.
its really quite nice
i mean me and him are hanging out having such a good time
and then his phoen goes off forever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and he decides to check it after the 4th time they call bassically
thinking it could be his mom or something
but no.
its a little freshman who is obsesed with him
she leaves one message
and he turns off his phone.
then i ask if i can listen to it
(now im quite annoyed)
so he turns it back on and now theres two messages
so that means she called more times cuz she really wants to talk to him man it must be really really really important!
so i listen and humm its really important
its her friend telling joey hes fat and he's probably puking to get skinny
i love people who are obsesed with my man and when they decided to leave pointless messsages which arent funny,
way imature and annoying for me since i was just trying to be alone and have a good time with my boyfriend
i wish she would just stop!!!!!
ignore that blank comment.