why do i feel like shit?
all i wanted was to make sure i was the only one.
no more secrets.
no more hiding
just me.
but there i go again fucking up things that matter most to me. the thing i dont want anything to go wrong with, no drama. always tends to be the thing i screw up.
im sorry.
i just wanted to make sure, for myself.
you kept secrets big secrets from me. so that i wouldnt get hurt/not being friends/getting over you. i didnt want it to be the same.
things lead me to think it was becomming that way. n yes dare i say it.... because of things on myspace.
fuck my life! god i feel like a bitch.
but you say things are fine, but i still feel this way.
ahghgggghagdhasghasgryhs;cvn;aoi hpawo;fhnuhf
fuck fuck fuck.
bitches nthe hoes.
i guesss i'll leave my ranting now.
you said things were fine. nothing was wrong, that you loved me and that everythings good.
i believe you. and love you too
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