well yesterday was horrible.
i went to school and i have a math exam at 11:30. i got a text at about 10 from my sister telling me that my grandpa passed out and she would keep me updated. so i was worried that something bad happened. so while im taking my exam, my phone goes off with ten texts from my sister so i turned in my test and left. the test said lauren call me, call me, hurry, grandpa died! were rushing to the hospital. i start freaking out trying to get to my car fast and contain my tears. but then i saw trevor and he knew something was wrong and i broke down. he offered to drive me to camarillo to the plesant valley hospital cuz i didnt kno where it was at but i said it was fine if i went alone.
i get there and finally find my grandpa with a tube in his mouth and his eyes open. the machine was pumping oxgyen into his lungs.
it turns out he had a brain aneurysm which means that the blood vessels in his brain burst and he died instantly.
i watched as the doctors pulled the plug and removed the tube from his mouth, his body was cold, face purple, eyes bright blue, lips bloody, body looked smaller and shrunken. it was so sad. this is body spazzed but the doctor said it was the oxegyn from the machine coming out.
what was worse is that my grandma has altimers and she didnt know what was going on, and kept asking every 5 mins, if he died why was it him, she will never be able to live without him, what is she going to do, then she would sob her heart out, touch him, talk to him, and then leave cuz she was so upset, but then return and start the questions all over again.
is heartbreaking and i miss him and love him.
<3 jenna