You make me sing♥...In The Shower=)

Feeling: infuriated
This will be fast seeing as I'm soposed to be getting ready for school=p. Soo updates since Friday....School was cruddy, I don't remember much of it. Saturday: Hung out with my grampa and then with my dad, then Alex called at I went to his house, met his parents, and had an absolutly amazing night with him♥ Sunday: Was soposed to go shoe shopping but I went with my sister to the Toronto comiccon and we ran outta time to shoe shop, but I did get a really sa-weet new hat=) Monday: Pretty boring, got stuck in Lacross for gym [screwed] umm got my math test back and got 91% on it, started Macbeth in english, talked to Linds in home studies. Yesterday: Math was fun, were priceing out our "dream car" and shit. Had an ISU in gym so Me, Marina, Kaitlyn & Noelle all went to taco bell for toonie tuesday, twas fun=)....English was boring, we watched a movie and I was drawing werid stuff=) *Lol*. Had an ISU in home studies so I was on my way to the coffee house with Linds[to see Randy, Cavell, Andrew & John] and I seen Alex[♥] So he came with us=), Coffe shop was fun=), then after the coffee shop we all went back to school, then I went and got my shit from my locker with Alex and we walked outta the school & seen Linds, Meaghan & Nikki, walked home with Alex, Meaghan & Linds then Alex came over to my house and stayed untill 9:30 *lol* it was soo much fun...after he left I had the biggest grin on my face b/c I was so happy I got to see him♥♥ Well, I don't know what going on today so I'll TRY to update tonight...hopefully I'll actually get the chance to *lol* 9 Days till the Fall Out Boy Concert♥ So for now... Stay Chemical♥ ~*~Razor Blades & Pocket Knives-Emo Slut~*~
P.s: I Love You.
Read 2 comments
STREESSS can go kill itself. its saturday now. Im hidding and disappearing from this world! :) -L
i love that song. the bestest ever on the new album. thanx for the comment back. can't believe you are goin FOB...i'm soo jealous!!

p.s. where you from?