
The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 51605 times on bzoink!

What is your favorite..
gumMmMmmm Gum
restaurantDont Have One
drinkBEVERAGE!! um..water
type of weatherTHUNDERING!!!
thing to do on a half dayStuff
late-night activityAnything
When was the last time you..
played a sportLike An hour Ago
laughedFew Minutes Ago
hugged someoneFew Hours Ago
kissed someone^
felt depressedhm..A While Ago. Not Sure At The Moment
felt elated.
felt overworkedIee
faked sickI've Given up on That
liedI Dont Lie
What was the last..
word you saidYay
thing you ateSTAWBERRIES!!!!!!
song you listened toUntitled song thingy by Simple Plan
thing you drankwater
place you went toHarmen Arena
movie you sawCursed
movie you rentedGet Over It
concert you attendedI Saw Not By Choice At The Dungeon Last Year?
Who was the last person you..
cried overCassie *waves*
danced withUm...i think bruce *shivers*
shared a secret withNo One
had a sleepover withCavell, Amanda, Leanna, And Cassie. I Think
went to a movie withRandy
sawHockey People
were angry withDevin
couldn't take your eyes off ofBah
obsessed overBah
Have you ever..
danced in the rainMaybe
kissed someoneYes
done drugsMaybe
drank alcoholYes
slept around:O!
partied 'til the sun came upNo
had a movie marathonSomewhat
gone too far on a dareHeh
spun until you were immensely dizzyYes
taken a survey quite like this beforeYes

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The Survey Where You Say The First Word That Comes To Mind. Yay.

Created by -ambiguous and taken 52472 times on bzoink!

What comes to mind when you hear..
..summer love?Ugh
..Juan?*Blinks* Vroom
..New Found Glory?Hyper Music
..placebo?hm juice?Ewwy
..candid camera?PICTURES!!
..hate?No One
..rap?Or Not
..punk?More Music La La
..death?Not Allowed'ness
..the end?NEVER

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Read 1 comments
the end is not never... cause then nothing would ever end and we would all get tired and very bored since all we would do it that thing that doesnt end.
head explode yet?