yay its finally saturday! it feels like this week has gone by super slowly but ho well its saturday now so it dont matter.
so ya last night was pretty fun, amanda viv and me went public skating (finally lol) there was some dude there that i reconized and i asked him if i knew him from somewhere and he said no or soemthing liek that. but i still say he looks very familar but oh well. but the rest of my night was quite horrific! its was like 12:30 and i was laying on the couch downstairs watching a movie and i saw a freakin mouse run into the closet!! i screamed! and then i called my dad at work cuz it was scary and ya. so i finally calmed down and then 10min later it ran outa the closet and into the next one, or behind the couch, i couldnt tell! but ya i swear it kept coming closer! it was coming in for the KILL!!!! so ya thats my story.
hm, there not much else to say, i believe im goin to see stay alive tonight with people, but thats pretty mcuh it.
Sleep Tight :)
What the hell does sleep tight mean??