The American Way?

What's up with all these 16-yr old diarists who only talk about boys? Boys and SEX! Dude, you're 16! Chill out, ayy? How bout properly growing into those bodies first before even thinking about letting some guy get his paws on it? And if they don't talk about having sex with the guy, they talk about which guy to play out, who to go out with next, or which guy is hotter than whoGIVESAFUCK! I hope y'all don't get pregnant, because the last thing the world needs is to be overridden with kids spawned from the likes of you.
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the diary is for our own benifit to vent about stuff. I'm not saying that the whole boy and sex talk is way too much, but they're not writing this for you.
word to you, pussinboots.

ive never had sex but im almost positive it isnt as great as teens think it'll be. i also dont doubt that is will be great. i have no point. be well.

You should be specific, I may be 16, but becuz of certain reasons, I have to live with my boyfriend, He's my entire life. So if you say 16 yr olds, reword better. Hes all my have, my life, Im going to talk about him. Also, like she said, these are to vent
theyre all 'poster children' for tubal ligation.

and i waited 19 years to have sex; still with the guy and hes wonderful, mind you. its not that difficult to wait.

sigh. kids today.

I despise the younger generation. Sex and children do not mix. But what is to be expected when they have poor role models.
I hate our culture.

off the topic, my kitten just came in the door. now hes walking all over the keyboardsmfwek.

(GO cat, go)