all right let's go, you convinced me

Feeling: dandy
I was almost bored to tears this afternoon, until I went downstairs and discovered that me dad needed help picking the rambutans from our tree. For the benefit of those of you who don't know, these are what rambutans look like: The view from my room The actual fruits Pretty funky, ayy? Anyway. We start fasting tomorrow. I've always been pretty good with fasting, but this year I'm going to try and feel it a little more, in a religious/spiritual sense. I'm also feeling a little ansty about it, though, because it'll be our first Ramadhan without granddad around. And I'm not even going to talk about the feelings our first Hari Raya without him will evoke. At least not yet, anyway. One day at a time. You know, I never did put up a picture of my cat, Benny. Here he is: Handsome lil dude, isn't he? Oh, and did I ever mention that he has a little problem with flatulence? Well, he does. Naaaas-TY! He's just too cute, though, so I just deal with it. Hahaha Isn't that just sick? All right well. I'm going to go find something else to do.
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awww, cute flatulant kitty!

oh, he (Benny) is so adorable!!! what a cutie!