fast car

That Tracy Chapman song always reminds me of Neely. She rocks. I wish I could see her again. Anyhow. I went to school today for about 15 minutes because I wanted to hand in something to my tutor. It was part of my assignment that was due last Thursday, but Friday morning I realized that I'd left out one part of one question. I only got to see the dude today because, well...with all that's going on, school really isn't at the top of my priorities right now. Unfortunately, he said I'd have to ask the lecturer about handing it in, because once you've handed in your assignment, it's pretty much over and done with. SO I got quite frustrated and I totally felt like crying when I walked back to the parking lot. I really actually don't care at this point, but a couple of extra marks on the assignment would probably help my grade. But if I can't hand it in, plan B is to kick ass on the final exam in June. Easter break starts on Friday. But I do believe I won't be going to classes much this whole week anyway. If only I really did have a fast car.
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yeah, Classes aren't really the most important thing, because in the grand scheme of things, a couple points won't kill you. Family is more important.

Aww hunnie... professors suck. their rules are all non-realistic. sometimes it's important & necessary to take time off. it's unavoidable. Stay strong hunnie.