long quiz!

Listening to: josh groban
Feeling: cold
this is a borrowed quiz from nicole! lol. F e e l i n g s [x] Worst Feeling in the world: of course hatred, but the feeling that you know you've done something wrong is a close second [x] Best feeling in the world: u know - those sickeningly good feelings u get when u think about someone and u can't breathe [x] Can you define love?: i can't define love for i've never experienced it (towards anyone besides my family of course) but i'd say love is being forever content even if nothing else is going your way, shortness of breath when you're with the other person, and getting all nervous for no reason at all, but at the same time being so completely at peace with them, more than with anyone else in the world [x] Do you get along with your parents?: yes - more mom than dad but i get along w/ both [x] Are you ticklish?: well that depends on where u tickle me...on my stomache no...other places yes~lol F a v o r i t e s 1] Letter?: can this be the type of letter someone wrote to me? if so then i choose the last letter i ever got from patrick (sigh) 2] Number?: 22 - i love even numbers...who knows? ok so i was born on the 22 but u get the jist 3] Drink?: ice water..man i'm plain~lol 4] Color?: most definitly green (well it depends on the shade) i'm a fan of jade 5] Animal?: wow silly question..turtle! 6] Person?: that's a really dificult ? b/c when i'm asked who my favorite person is there are so many candidates so i choose to leave this question unanswered 7] CD?: ooo...many many choices for this as well - matt wertz, josh groban, casting crowns, third day, gavin degraw, compelation cds 8] Car?: my own of course! i just got a cavalier - very exciting! 9] Ice cream flavor?: hmmm...vanilla fudge? or maybe snickers..tought decision 10] Day of the week?: i've never known the answer to this ? - maybe saturday 11] Soda/Juice?: neither except maybe grape juice(good stuff!) i haven't had soda in over 2 years 12] Boys/Girls?: boys to date, girls to trust~lol 13] Love/Hate?: love 14] Sex/Cuddling?: cuddling 15] Pepsi/Coke?: neither 16] Friday/Saturday?: saturday 17] Shoes/Sandals?: shoes if docs and sandals if flip flops 18] Hugs/Kisses?: hmm..depends on who it is...hugs r nice and at times kisses r better 19] Punk/Goth?: neither 20] Cartoons/News?: news...and yet don't we all just want to say the world is too depressing to comprehend so we'll just stick with the innocence of cartoons 21] Would you get into a fight for your friends?: no - the more people in the fight the worse off the situation and the harder it is to stop...however help your friend when they are in times of trial 23] Ever gotten into a fight with your friends?: yes...i hate it 24] What did you fight about?: stupid stuff that sounds dumb now 25] Worst thing you’ve ever done to them?: i don't really know...most of the time i don't realize what i did until it's too late 26] Worst thing they’ve ever done to you?: blaming me for something i didn't do or making me feel horrible for something i can't control 27] Do you love your friends?: yes...i love my friends in st. louis and in eldon 28] Do they love you?: so i'm told 29] Done anything you regret doing with them?: leaving them....i love you guys more than anything! 30] Do you fight a lot?: no 31] Have you ever been in love?: not that i know of...maybe close 33] Do you still love them?: i still like them but i always will so oh well 34] Are you together right now?: no 35] Do you miss them?: yes, sometimes more than others 36] Do you regret them?: not at all 37] If you could hold them right now would you: yes 38] If you could kiss them right now would you: it'd be too painful afterwards 39] If you could start all over would you?: no - too much pain later on 40] If you had a choice of meeting them for the first time, would you turn away or introduce yourself?: introduce myself 41] Most romantic thing: the innocence of being kissed for the first time 42] Have you ever had the tingly feeling inside your tummy from someone?: oh yeah 43] Do you like any of your good friends?: nope 44] If so do they know?: no 45] Who is usually the first to tell someone they like them you or the other person?: probably them to say it first and me to act first 46] If you could be with someone right now who would it be?: i'd be with the person that i'm supposed to be with(anyone know who that is yet? if u figure it out let me know~lol) 47] Do you base your attraction upon personality?: very much so 48] Have you ever been cheated on?: no 49] Have you ever cheated?: no B o y s + G i r l s 50] Favorite thing about the opposite sex?: they can be so sweet and protective..they have something about them that drives u crazy 51] Least favorite thing about the opposite sex?: sometimes they just don't get it - the worst thing they could do is lie 52] When you first see someone what is the first thing you notice?: how they react to diefferent situations 53] What is your favorite feature about the opposite sex’s appearance?: eyes and hair(curly)~lol 54] Do you prefer cute or hot?: both as long as the personality is good 55] Do you have a Bf/Gf?: nope 56] One thing you dislike about them?: nothing 57] One thing you love about them?: nothing 58] Boys are: boys are immature, guys are geting more mature w/ time 59] Girls are: elegant, creative, delicate, emotional L a s t.. 60] Fight you were in?: fight? hmm..i guess w/ emily 61] Person you yelled at?: most likely my sister 62] Thing you touched?: keyboard/mouse 63] Person you IM-ed?: cat 64] Person that IM-ed you?: cat 65] Word you said?: k 66] Time you smiled?: today 67] Person that smiled at you?: my dad 68] Laughed?: earier today w/ my brother - he's so crazy~lol 69] Cried?: ummm...either last night or the other day...not quite sure B a s i c s [x] Full name: Amanda Rose Kretsinger [x] Nicknames: manda panda, panda girl, jhonny, bubbles, manders, peanut, indian princess [x] Screen name: that is confidencial information [x] Sex: female [x] Birthday: july 22, 1988 [x] Height: ~5’5 [x] Hair color: light brown [x] Is your hair long or short: long [x] Eye color: brown [x] City born in: jefferson city [x] Location now: st. louis [x] Siblings: megan - 17, matt - 20 [x] Parents married/divorced: married --> C r u s h i n ' [x] Pre-school: jordan davis~lol [x] Kindergarten: none [x] 1st Grade: patrick~lol, and some devin kid that moved but was really smart [x] 2nd Grade: patrick and alex ryan [x] 3rd Grade: patrick and matt y. [x] 4th Grade: patrick and mark jones [x] 5th Grade: patrick and mark jones [x] 6th Grade: patrick and kinda mark [x] 7th Grade: patrick [x] 8th Grade: patrick and brandon at the end of 8th g. year [x] 9th Grade: brandon, patrick, john [x] Boy/Girlfriend status: none --> O t h e r [x] Do you have a job: no [x] What are you scared of: water/drowning [x] Who's your role model: lots of different people for lots of different reasons - my sister:good interpretation of things, my brother:SO funny but quite possibly the smartest person i've ever met, my mom:very strong(emotionally not physically~lol), heather:such a great person! love her, courtney:so crazy & willing to be spontanious....other friends as well - they all have different qualities worthy of admiration [x] Most interesting thing you've done this summer: cheerleading camp as well as go out w/ brandon [x] What store do you shop at the most: i don't go shopping that often..but i love the buckle [x] Have you ever done any drugs: no [x] Do you collect anything: turte stuff [x] Are you a ditz: no..although sometimes i sound like it --> N i g h t T i m e [x] What do you wear to bed: pj bottoms and a t-shirt [x] What's your bed time? don't have a bedtime but usually on weeknights: around 11:30 and weekends: around 12ish or so [x] Do you wish on stars: nope, just admire them [x] Is there a TV in your room: nope..but i got this nifty computer...lol [x] What's the last thing you do before you fall asleep: pray --> M i s c e l l a n e o u s [x] How many schools have you been to: 6(preschool, eldon elementry, eldon upper elementry, eldon middle school, rsms, rshs) [x] Are you passive or aggressive: passive [x] Vanilla or chocolate: chocolate [x] Would you rather be hot or cold: hot [x] What is your curfew: don't have one well that's my quiz! enjoy if u can stay awake~lol. luv u lots! God bless!!! *manda*
Read 7 comments
OoOoOoOoOoOoOo fun quiz, but i am tooooo lazy to take it myself! haha i love you amanda!
haha that quiz took me forever..it was neverending. i like reading quizes tho. ill ttyl. luv u oodles!!-coley
HAHhhahah MARK JONES lol good tiems good times , tried to call you today but kept dialing teh wrong number .. really need to memorize your number lol i am such a nerd ok well please talk to me before you leave i miss you already have fun in tennesee!!
Hey manda this is james, whats up? So your a christian..thats awesome. And you like turtles? I think turtles r way cool. I want one..but just a little tiny one. They are really cute. I would name it Crush or wait or maybe Ollie..i dont know. maybe you can help me out lol. Well if u ever wanna talk my aim screen name is undonevocals8503.
Well ttyl! Take care and God BLess!
lol, manda, i didnt write that, its a song by 'train'. :D hehe
i cant even explain love, its the weirdest thing, but i know im in love...i can just feel it, theres no "i think i am" or "maybe". i just am, i just know it. its weird, im weird, i know, lol. hehe well im gonna go, take care!
i love you!
HEy yeah Luke would be a cool name for it!lol.Thanks. I want one really bad there are so cool!