they mean me no harm

Feeling: comfortable
wow - i really do like him. i enjoy hearing his viewpoint and i respect what he has to say. he makes me smile :) we're opposites for the most part but you know what they say..opposites attract - so why should it be any different for us? things are going great as far as i'm concerned. i hope it persists. church was very rewarding tonight. God's trying to teach me some new things & i need to turn my attention to Him and just start listening. the past is an illusion difficult to let go of. but what do you do when the past is so much a part of the present that it lingers in the background like the mist on a dreary winters morn? not to sound depressing but that's honestly how it feels. very strange indeed. i'm incredibly sleepy and exhausted while writing this entry which has more than likely altared the way it's worded. you guys mucho - 1 more day of band camp!!! :D eh..but i must get sleep to finish strong...or finish at all. nighty night. God bless! *manda*
Read 5 comments
i'm glad you found someone that makes you smile so much. its a great feeling, isn't it?!!! hahaha, good luck girlie!
p.s. AWESOME building yesterday. very nice. :D
hey girlie!! im so happy for you...that you have nick!!! i would tell you if yall look cute together but ive never seen i kinda cant do that lol im so glad band camp is almost over for you!! cause now when i IM you it wont have an away message up!! lol well i gotta get goin i have to clean before i lay out so i will ttyl..luv ya! ~audrey
"the past is an illusion difficult to let go of. but what do you do when the past is so much a part of the present that it lingers in the background like the mist on a dreary winters morn?" i can completly relate to that, uve just summed up one of my problems in one sentance, kewl diary luv cesk xxx
i love u