the places that you've come to fear the most

Feeling: touchy
awwww....i love my turtle!!! she's SO cute! her name is cleo~hehe. i got her last christmas b/c i begged my parents for a turtle. it was the best present i've ever gotten. lol. ok me out on this one. what do you do when someone likes you but you aren't so sure you like them or not. and you're not really giving them the best chance b/c of the people they hang out w/ and the way they act & talk. i know it's kinda stupid to judge people by who they hang with but it gives you an idea of who they really are. gosh this is really hard. i hate the fact that when i see him i think of some things he should change. he shouldn't have to change for me though...that's just stupid. so what do i do? it's hard for me to get passed the cussing. if it were just a little i think it'd be ok but it's like every other sentence. bleh. i just need to make myself give this kid a chance. cause right now i'm somehow blocking any feelings but resentment. it's hard to get over the fact that he hangs w/ the popular crowd too...those people don't exactly have the same mindset as me. but i know i like who i am and don't want to change. huh. tough stuff here folks. please help as much as u can! lol. take care and God bless, *manda*
Read 9 comments
yeah i am doing summer school too. so i am a busy bee. :D

gah. i dont feel like waking up early anymore!

what ahve you been doing?

love me
i had a turtle. its name is dodger but it was a girl ifelt bad but oh well. it was cool cuz it ate gold fish. it got big so i had to feed it the big fancy gold fish and that was cool except the tank would get all bloody and that wasnt fun but hey it was cool watching her eat them. well bye!
i think u should just give him a chance...he might be nicer and better then the popular crowd!~! and if u dont like the cussin that much...tell him be like can u please not cuss as much a little is ok but not alot
yea it was kinda gross but hey i thought it was cool.i guess u have to be a guy.....but w/e
no problem...and ya kno i really am so sweet *(* not tryin to be conceited*)* but i do everything for everybody and im so nice and i love bein friends and helpin with whoever wants me to..ya kno? and i cant help my niceness but oh well!! lol yea u should give him a chance!! lol
lots of love
turtles are illegal for some reason in pittsburgh. :( where did you get yours?
hey u kno u put a comment in my girlfriends the guy in it......her diary is sunshine13d......yep thats me! just if u didnt kno that i thought i would inform u! ok? bye!

I have a scanner and I just copy and paste. I like to show everyone the lovely people and animals in my life. Thanx for the comment.