stolen quiz

Listening to: dave barnes
Feeling: unattractive
|SECTION ONE: At The Moment 1. I like to be called: manda 2. Nicknames: manda, panda gurl, manda panda, gene, turtlegirl, miss cheer usa (lol wow) 3. Feet size: 7 1/2-8 4. Do you have a crush: who knows 5. Boyfriend? nope 6. Age you act: my age or older...ok sometimes younger 7. Where Do You Live: Fenton, MO 8. Where you want to live: somewhere off in the country 9. Birthplace: Jefferson City, MO 10. Favorite Salad Dressing: parmesian remano 11. Ever gone skinny dipping?: no m'am 12. What are you watching?: the IM boxes on my screen flashing 13. Last person you talked to: Auddey online 14. Favorite movie: don't have one 15. Favorite Book: hmmm...possibly kissing doorknobs - or anything by laurline mcdaniel 16. Favorite Type of music: rock, country, classical, folk, christian & all those weird people you've never heard of before 17. Favorite types of cars: not a clue 18. Favorite Saying: wah! ca-rap 19. Favorite Fast Food: chicken strips from deirbergs..does that count? b/c they are OH so good! 20. Favorite Ice Cream: snickers 21. Favorite Alcoholic Drink: none 22. When Do You Go To Sleep: school night - 11:30-12:30 weekend - eh whenever 23. Most Embarrassing Moment: i would say that on here 24. Stupidest Person you know: awww..i don't actually wanna say 25. Funniest Person you know: my brother 26. Favorite holiday: Christmas 27. Favorite Food: chicken strips 28. Favorite Song: too many...#2,8 on dave barnes cd, #8 on pete schmidt cd, #5,6,12 on josh groban cd......u get the point 29. Favorite Television Show: boy meets world, switched, made 30. Favorite Radio Station: 98.1 or 101.1 or 99.1 or 92.3 or 93.7 etc. - but cds are usually the main source of my listening enjoyment 31. Favorite junk food: ice cream 32. Favorite sappy love song: best friend by tim mcgraw - or to make you feel my love by garth brooks 33. Favorite Drink: ice water 34. Favorite article of clothing: oo cheer shorts are oh so comfy - and who can forget the infamous flip flops?! 35. Favorite Animal: turtles~obviously +||SECTION TWO: The Future 1. School: finish high school then head off to college somewhere 2. Where You Want To Live: not a clue - somewhere in the country 3. How Many Kids You Want: 3-4 4. What Kind Of Job You Want: something to do with zoologist? marine biologist? 5. Wedding song: "to make you feel my love" by garth brooks 6. Pets? a turtle of course...and a dog and a cat and a guinea pig! 7. Car? no clue 8. 5 years from now? i'll still be in college and will have hopefully met the man of my dreams 9. 10 years from now? hopefully happily married and settling down 10.20 years from now? still happily married with children living on a farm +||SECTION THREE: Have You Ever.. 1. Done Drugs: nope 2. Run Away From Home: haha...come close when i was little - not seriously though 3. Hit A Friend: jokingly 5. Stolen Anything: no 6. Broken A Bone: nope 7. Cheated On A Test: yeah 4. Lied: yeah 8. Cheated On A Boyfriend: nope 9. Gotten Drunk: nope 10. Been With Two guys/girls At Once: no 11. Been In The Hospital: yeah 12. Let a friend cry on your shoulder: yeah 13. Fell asleep in the shower/bath: almost 14. Gone to Church: yeah 15. Never slept during a night: yeah 16. Ever been on a motorcycle or motorbike: hhmmm...don't remember 17. Been to a camp: yup 18. Sat in a restaurant w/o ordering: haha yea 19. Seen someone die: guinea pig - but he counts! 20. Gone a week w/out shaving: regretfully yes i'm sure i have 21. Didn't wash your hair for a week: eww no 22. Broken something valuable: probably 23. Thought you were in love: yes 24. Streaked the streets: no 25. Screamed at someone for no reason: yeah 26. Said I love you and meant it: not in the way you're talkin about 27. Been hurt by a guy/girl you loved: yep 28. Stayed up till 4 am on the phone: yep 29. Pulled a prank? yeah 30. Made fun of someone? yeah...oops +||SECTION FOUR: Which Is Better.. 1. Coke Or Pepsi: neither 2. Cats Or Dogs: eeep..can't it be both? 3. DVDs or VHS: DVD 4. Deaf Or Blind: deaf 5. Pools Or Hot Tubs: hot tubs 6. Television Or Radio: TV cause you can always pop in a cd 7. CDs Or MP3's: CDs 8. Apples or oranges: apples when it's in stuff, oranges just by themselves 9.Blueberries or Strawberries: strawberries 10. Gold or silver: silver 11. Vanilla or chocolate: vanilla 12. Movies or music: music 13. Park or Beach? park 14. Hot or Cold weather? ooo..right in the middle - fall weather!!! 15. Sunset or Sunrise? sunset - gives you a chance to reflect on the day and everything that you desperately need to go over with yourself +||SECTION FIVE: When is the Last Time You.. 1. Took a shower: goin to right after this 2. Cried: ummm....last wed? that can't be right..not sure 3. Watched a Disney movie: i watched part of hercules last week 4. Given/gotten a hug: today after band 5. Been to the movies: coupla weeks ago 6. had a boy/girlfriend: january 7. kissed someone: january (bf) 8. Said I love you: tonight (friend) 9. danced: haha..tonight during the cadence in band 10. did a survey like this: it's been a while +||SECTION SIX: What is.. 1. Your Fondest Memory Of This year: playing extreme wah! in trevor's kitchen 2. Your Most Prized Possession: all my pictures and poems and sentimental stuff like that 3. The Thing That Makes You The Happiest: feeling loved and having people really understand me & not hate me just b/c i am who i am 4. Your Favorite Food For Breakfast: strawberry bread 5. Your Favorite Food For Dinner: orange chicken, fried rice, crab rangoon (yum!) but there's always chicken strips to fall back on;) 6. Your Favorite Slow Song: we go again... either "the dance" or "to make you feel my love" by garth brooks 7. Your Ideal BF/GF: u really want me to go into detail? *smart*involved in school activities(pref. a sport)*sweet*cares bout me and others*religious*funny*easy to talk to*has nice friends*shares similar interests*makes me want to be a better person*curly hair*green eyes ( we're gettin into the stuff that really doesn't matter) ....i could go on and on~lol wow i'm retarted + SECTION SEVEN:What do you feel about... 1. Bill Clinton: ? 2. Love at First Site: i believe in attraction at first comes later 3. Abortion: no 4. Smoking: nasty 5. Death: sad 6. Eating disorders: sad 7. Rap: ewww 8. Marilyn Manson: nope 9. Suicide: depressing +||INFORMATION 1. full birth name: u guys know (middle name is Rose) 2. hair color: light brown 3. eye color: brown 4. current height: not sure...5'4"? 5. glasses/contacts: contacts 6. birthdate: 7/22/88 7. religion: proud to be a christian..baptist to be more specific 8. current age: 16 9. siblings: one brother & one sister 10. siblings age: 21 & 18 11. location: Fenton, MO 12. college plans: just that i'm going 13. any piercings: 2 in each ear 14. any tattoos: nope +||SOCIAL 1. best guy friend: strat..or alex..or patrick 2. best girl friend: all my friends! 3. current crush: not sure 4. boyfriend/girlfriend: nobody 5. are u center of attention or wallflower: both 6. what type automobile do u drive: 96 cavalier:) 7. are u timely or always late: timely usually 8. do u have a job: nope 9. do u like being around people: depends 10. hobbies: not quite sure...talking online +||LOVE 1. Have You ever loved sumone you had no chance with?: loved no..liked yes 2. have u ever cried over something someone of the opposite sex did?: u bet 3. do u have a "type" of person u always go after: haha..curly hair, tall, skinny 4. want someone u don't have right now? of course 5. who do you want to marry: i'll let u know when i find him +||FAVORITES 1. room in house: my room 2. type of music: we already went over this...check the above 3. location for dates: the park during fall (on a park bench), in the woods while it's snowing on a winter's eve, taking a carriage ride on a cobblestone road, taking a leaisurely walk through nature,walking on the beach, riding horses through the fields, stargazing in the middle of nowhere in the country - believe me i've thought of this one 4. memory: hayride in eldon 5. day of the week: friday or saturday 6. color: green 7. perfume or cologne: lucky or refuge 8. flower: lilys or roses 9. month: october 10. season: fall +||In the last 48 hours have you.. 1. cried: nope 2. bought something: treated myself to ice cream :) 3.Gotten Sick: nope..but i have a cold right now *sniffles profusely* 4. sang: of course 5. said i love u: yeah 6. wanted to tell someone u loved them but didn't: yep 7. met someone new: yea 8. moved on: tried 9. talked to someone: yeah 10. had a serious talk: yeah 11. missed someone: yeah 12. hugged someone: yeah 13. kissed someone: yea 14. fought with your parents: no 15. dreamed about someone u can't be with: no 16. had a lot of sleep: no not really 17. wanted this survey to be over: yeah 18. gonna go do:get ready for bed b/c i still need to take a shower wow...that was SO long!! luv u guys much but that took forever. God bless! *manda*
Read 3 comments
Wow, that's a long survey but from what I read I can tell that we have alot in common. Anyway, I've been pretty good lately. I started school a few weeks ago so that kinda sucks. How have you been?


i love you a lot girl!

Hey I no how u felt at the end of the qiuz I do those all the time. Most of mine I just copy and paste on to my other diary. I liked wat u had to say bout sum of the stuff. K bye.
