i'll make a dream out of you

Listening to: petey
Feeling: impish
**why doesn't anyone ever use e-mail anymore? does that bother anyone else? it just kinda makes me sad. i get SO excited when i get an actual e-mail from somebody that took the time to write it. it's the highlight of my day. instead i just get forwards if anything at all. it kinda sucks. :( and the guy situation hasn't improved all that much, though i'm trying to be patient. school gives me enough to worry about as it is. gotta go study..... love you tons guys! God bless, ♥manda p.s. my building group was so on tonight the game..yeah transfer libs! ;)
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i like getting e-mails too.... yeah those werer the days.
Peace and Love
o dont worry ur not the only one!! the only emails i ever get are forwards or the emails telling all of the people that they changed their email addy l0l well i better get goin ttyl *Audrey*
YEAH transfer libs!!!!!