inspired for God

Listening to: mix cd
Feeling: intellectual
you know how there are just those moments when you just feel so very inspired? that's how God's love is. it can spread like wildfire if we just have the courage and faith to speak up about God's amazing grace. He is so wonderful and we take that for granted. i thank Him every day for giving me the friends that i have. especially my fellow christian friends who share the same faith as me. life is so much easier lived when it's lived for Christ and not for ourselves. so i guess what i'm getting at is, if you're a christian, let it all out. tell others about God's love for them. no one is inferior in God's eyes. He loves everyone. just reading some of the entries left by christians on here is really awesome as well. it's great to see how God is working in so many wonderful ways in many people's lives. so i'm writing this as a declaration of my appreciation to God. b/c He is so very awesome and i love Him for it! luv u guys and God bless u! *manda*
Read 9 comments
I need help, you are a christian as well as I but---go read my diary and leave a message I know I am stupid but DO IT! Read the one titled ME
yay! u go girl, thats totally true.. OH! that is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cool, ur background*,
last nite at our bible fellowship our teacher told us about that group...and he let us listen 2 'who am i?'....great song. he said that he had to go do outreach, or what u might know as witnessing...and they went to the mall4 it, and he went into FYE, and heard this was just really cool to see how god tries to bless us..

how he tries 2 bless us, in the situations where we least want to be, yet we do it...for him

Write back!!
aww ur comment was really nice 2 get TOO!
yes that IS our job, keeping living for Him and his word girlie!

well i think u go 2 'image director' or something...then rename the pic u want to comment_pic.jpg or comment_pic.gif

whichever one it is, and u have 2 wait a while i guess...i tried doing that 2day, and it hasnt shown ^ yet....some1 sed theres took a day to show, so just wait...hehe
thanks for the comment. i like yer diary too. later..
Hey cutie,
Wow your entry gots me all inspired now,lol. Im so happy that your inspired too,lol. Its awesome the way he works isnt it? Goodness hes awesome but we are too and us christians dont know it but we are capable of making miracles happen. because we have that same spirit that made jesus rise. Gawsh Manda im so happy right now,lol. I can feel him near me. its awesome!!Well babe, thnks for everything and u take care and God bless!!!
Hey manda if u have time read my last entry. I dont know what happened but i think God wanted me to write what i wrote,lol. It was just on my mind,lol. But yea anyways, its been awesome getting to know you too. I enjoy our conversations even though we have only had like 1,lol. Im looking forward to more :) Well cutie, take care and God bless.
that is so true