screamin out the window at the stars

Listening to: better than ezra
Feeling: eek!
**there is no way i'm leaving for florida in 2 way in the world. i walked outside today to put my 3 HUGE bags in my car (b/c i'm just cool enough that i can't pack light) and it feels like spring! so if it feels that nice here just imagine what it'll feel like in florida..woowoo! **i'm finally starting to get excited..things are never !ohmygosh! anymore...they just sorta happen and then after a few day i think back and i'm like huh that was a lot of fun. life changes so much when u start getting older. **today is today is today is today** well...i guess i'm off...somebody help me with my massive amounts of luggage! woah buddy!! please pray that the band gets there and back safely..thank u!! God bless u guys, *manda* ♥leave lotsa messages while i'm gone!! thanks :)♥
Read 4 comments
GOOD LUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
PLEASE survive lol
what woudl we do wihtout amanda!! lol okim done
still listeing to the pahtom soundtraack yeah im jsut that cool
lol cya
you'll have a lot of fun, though, so no worries. :D
*fingers crossed for a safe trip*
love you!
havent even the slightest clue of when you are comign back so ..HAPPY FREKAING NEW YEARS!!!!!
i lvoe you
i went 2 florida over x-mas.... ya