v-high homecoming

Listening to: dave barnes
Feeling: exhausted
vianney homecoming..wah! ok so my date wasnt' the funnest person in the world and i would have had a lot more fun if he were a better dancer..but whatcha gonna do? i saw beffa, trevor, AND john. lol. john didn't recognize me...we saw each other twice...so the second time i went up to him and i'm like "hi" ...he has a confused look on his face...."i'm amanda"....OHHH!!! *big hug* hi! i didn't recognize you..it's been forever!!! i thought you had black hair....lol. and btw....hannah (his gf) definitly not as pretty as i thought. huh...God does everything for a reason though so it's cool. ttyl & God bless! *manda*
Read 2 comments
omg that last ngiht was frekaing hilarous.. streches obtusely lol very nice
omg he is so ...WAH wow you saw how happy walking past him made me lol
i am so lame i love you sorry vianny stunk how was your hair was trevor date ugly?????
i hope you had fun even though your date was...not..funny....lol, but i still hope you had a good time!
hah! our homecoming will be SO much better, lol, but hey, thats just the way it goes. lol, jk, but yay! homecoming week!
love you a ton!