external fix-it remedies

Listening to: wertzy
Feeling: stubborn
my social life has been reduced to a few moments here and there when i can squeeze it in. i feel like i can't even take the time to breathe until school is out. monday was l.a. day, today was math day, tomorrow is history day...when will it end?! i worked for about 6 hours today studying for a math test that i will probably do poorly on. but at least i tried. i find it pointless to cry over it but it comes anyway without my consent. i need eldon...i need my horse...i miss them unconditionally. that reminds me...i guess i should catch you up on my weekend in eldon. it was amazing. i got to experience life in a horror movie (deserted pig barns in the fields at night with guys who like to scare - need i say more?), started training my horse (i'll add some pics when i get them)..she's such a sweetheart, spent some much needed time with kelsey and hannah (sitting outside on the porch at night engulfed by a thunder storm), went to vista grande with heather and whitney and actied like total goofballs without a care in the world. patrick was the only imperfect part...but we won't go into that. memories keep me going...well, and God, but He's a given. my new matt wertz cd rocks! -♥->manda
Read 4 comments
aww yay for the horse whats her/his name??? hows i seveythign with pattypoo lol that not cute im sorry
well i love you bye bye
thank u so much manda! i know things will get better its just hard right now. and trust me im prayin!love ya~coley
it went amazingly
but i dont know what ijm supossed to do
as a chirsitn i know i cant go back there there is no growth there for me
but i do miss teh people .. well soem of tehm teh others are still as icky as before lol
wow talked tojosh .. i think he needs us everyone told me bad thigns about him but when he held my face last night to look into hius eyes he is still my crazy little boy lol he still calls me mom i missed him
i still have so much to tell you
ill talk to you in la hopefully
cya later

and i love you