happy but sad

Feeling: whatever
hey all...back from tennessee. it was fun and all but a lot of things happened that are catching up with me, making me cringe....oh well. ok so here's the deal...i got an invitation to the falcon flight award ceremony (each teacher chooses 1 student to receive an award) for criteria of the teacher's choice: achievement, citizenship, school spirit or anything else. i got it from my science teacher this morning and i was syked!!! it was so very cool...of course there is a glitch. the day of the award ceremony my mom has jury duty and my dad will be gone on a work trip. like i'm gonna go to this thing by myself..there's a breakfast afterwards too. so yeah, my brother or sister is supposed to come with me - cool and all except they have their own lives to worry about and could probably care less about mine. i really want my parents to be there so i can see that they are proud of me...so i have somebody there who will hug me and say "good job amanda, we love you so much, keep it up!" so i couldn't be happier with my achievments, but i hate that my parents won't be there to share it with me. on the up side though, it was my favorite teacher who nominated me (science teacher) and i get a picture taken with him so it will be nice. plus i get a medal~lol. but anyways...ironically i have to go study for a science test so i'll write more later...leave notes! thanks..*manda*
Read 2 comments
awww im sry!! well......good job amanda im proud of u!!! lol congrats!!! im glad u had fun on ur trip!!! ttyl
hey manda! i knew it go you
hey if noone of your fam can come i will i will be there being the one to go good job we love you adn are soo prou lol tehee thats waht i do( dramatically puts fist to cheek) luv ya oddles lol eww did i jsut say ooddles wow ok msut get sleep! lol