you are home to me

Listening to: josh kelley
Feeling: ambitious
left for eldon on thursday right after school and missed my last football game of my jv experience as well as the most exciting varsity football game to come in all my summit days.....but what comes from the past will stay with you forever & football games are a piddly sacrifice for the weekend i had. *******friday i went to school with to experience high school through the eyes of an eldoner. gave mr. mccargar tootsie roll - i love that man. got to hold snakes and lizards in mr. hampton's class ~he brought in a turtle for me~:) saw what an agriculture class was like b/c in eldon you know you're going to have a lot of farmers graduating from that school..actually very interesting. everyone in school thought either A)i moved back all of a sudden or, for those who didn't know me B)thought i was new. aparantly it was going around school that "there's this really hot new girl"...don't i feel accomplished. barnswinging was amazing as usual - heather and i did the superman 3 times~scariest thing i've ever done, but it was awesome in the end. patrick didn't go..his loss. but i did see him friday, or at least he pushed me into the lockers and i pushed him back. that's how we communicate...flirty shoves. ****whittey made warm chocolate pudding with butter for me:D it might sound gross but it's SOO SO good..i need to get the recipe from her;) i've got the best friends in the world!!! church was awesome this morning. idk what it is about first baptist church of eldon but it gets me every time. heather and the drama group performed in church...brought tears to my eyes both times. they were amazing to say the least. those people are filled with God's doubt about it. they are on fire for God and it's great just to be around them. i saw play practice on friday too...they are more than talented. i want to go next weekend to see the play but idk if i'll be able to. we shall see. ***though i love it down there more than anything, it feels great to be home again. i missed my mom - she's such a great person. and when i got home my sister and ryan were here:) well, they were shopping w/ my mom but i got to see them when they got home which was awesome in itself. i haven't seen my dad in at least 3 days now and he went off on vacation somewhere for the week. ***my puppy's so cute..i missed him too. he's sleeping on my floor right now so i thought i'd mention him right quick. **i'm way excited..i'm staying with whittey the next time i go down. her dad greeted me with open arms when i told him~lol. **as for the halloween decorations at my dog ate a gord and rearanged the rest of the decorations - we'll see how long those last. oooooo!!! matt wertz concert this friday...i'm beyond ecstatic. huh..i guess i'd better get to bed now. i've been spoiled with staying up this weekend. must get back to work. i love you guys mucho. God bless you all:) luv, *manda*
Read 3 comments
hahah completely forgot about that nice lol i doi lik choclate milk though ... good stuff
Don't u just love weekends like that? They're the best! Glad you had fun! God Bless!
hey manda!
its kelsey...i just wanted to comment on how awesome you are! everything's all orderly and neat so you can really enjoy life to the fullest, stress-free! that sounds like an awesome're a lucky girl to have friends like that! anyway, have an awesome day!


p.s. they let you just go to school all day? FUN!