Positive!!!! !!!! !!!!

I slept all morning & skipped band, but also missed seeing England win the Rugby world cup! Yeah we WON!!! I'm pretty ok with life, ok i was depressed & bitchy the past few days but tiredness probably didn't help. We had fun last night on night hike, it was very tiring though. I'm not the only one who doesnt get anything out of GB, Jenny doesn't really either, but i'm not a quitter so i wont leave, not just yet. I'm gonna try to be positive from now on, theres still stuff like chris thats gonna get me down from time to time, but hopefully i can just forget about that & not get too worked up if he doesnt reply to texts or things cos if he doesnt want to know then thats his problem, well thats the logic anyhow, whether i stick to it is a different matter.
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Hey i like that poem/ qoute thing up there are you christian thatd be awsome im christian ;) GBU Lina