erm...o i dont no!

Got up & had a shower this morning, feeling all sweet & pretty scented. had to fight my hair to get it into a vague resemblance of a french plait, but its only half one cos its just all flyaway! Hmmm transport museum was ok i guess, at least i got to spend time with charlie. YAY i'm going to brum tomorrow, pity i aint got that much money that i'm allowed to spend, o well i dont go to brum that often so i may well splash out lol, i just wanna see whether the bullring is any good really, shopping in brum is so cool, will be weird though cos i'm taking my sister, usually i go with friends & we'll just spend the whole day shopping, talking, laughing and chatting bubbles! Do you know what, i have spent all week doing homework, but only cos i havent been doing it all the time & i keep taking breaks and not getting it done, lol, o well chris aint to know that i went out with charlie today & that i'm going brum tomorrow, none of his business, anyway i aint giving up none of my holiday (or any other) time to spend time with him, ptch who does he think i am, i have better things to do with my time, lol, even sleeping is better than being with him. WOOOO I have also made my relient k CD now too!! :D am very happy about that! shud go to bed now & prepare for a long shopping day!! I dont need anything really so it'll be lots of wandering buying nothing, hehe so much fun!
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