[8]Dance the night away

Feeling: deranged
Today I stayed home "sick." I am so sick of Grammar... so I played hookie. :D My mom doesn't care if I stay home, as long as I get my makeup work done. Tonight we have a school dance. I was supposed to sign my boyfriend up to come today, but I obviously couldn't. So he can't come. :( Oh well. He can come to the next dance (that one is the drag dance, this one is Mardi Gras). I wanna see him wearing a skirt.... LMAO! Anyway. So I'm probably gonna have fun at the dance. We're probably gonna stay at the dance until 11:00 (when it ends) then go home and talk om Yahoo! Messenger for another five hours. LOL. I just got this Nickelback CD a couple days ago.... Forgot to write about it.... It's the coolest CD ever. Or one of the coolest. Sidney and I were listening to it on Wednesday in Grammar. It was funny. We were singing it aloud as we worked on our homework LOL. GOD I can't wait until the dance. Last time Josh had two cardboard cutouts with him that he put in Temple of the Bean, one of Sarah Michelle Gellar and one of Lara Croft. We were all druling over them the entire time lol. (Josh=junior at my school, so fun and cool) (Temple of the Bean=school's coffee place) Wow this is the best mood I've been in in a long time. It's amazing. Okay I just had a total freak-out at my computer. IT DOESN'T WORK! We have E-Machines, so we each get our own account. My account doesn't work for me! I can't get on ANY of my sites (not even Google!) Then I go on my mom's account and everything's working fine. So I tell her about it, and she says that she has the same problem, only HER account isn't working for her. So now we've switched accounts. And it's still not working right, just a little better. Okay I'm done for now. I'll update again after the dance, tell you how much fun it was ;) TTFN *** WOW it was fun! My friend Chelsea got this cute leather dress at Hot Topic, and this really cute top with pink treads. (Pink is infesting!!! Ah!) Amazing... a bit of pink DOES look good.... Sidney, Dominic, Chelsea, Laura, Donna, Kyra and a bunch of out-of-school visitors were there. We danced the whoel time.... Except for the time when we were trying to get eleven people piled onto the couch in the lobby :P That's a little hard to explain. LOL. Chelsea and our friend Donald, who's much older than us, were flirting the entire time.... Chelsea says they are aren't going out or anything... but it's hard to believe... Anyway. Kyra fell in love with Dominic's hair. As all girls do. He has the softest hair, it's so unbelievable. All girls fall in love with him after touching his hair :P Oh, and Laura got a cute shirt too. It's camoflage green and blue, fish net, with a blue spaghetti strap undershirt. Haha. Today was just fun. Tweek wasn't there though... and they didn't play End of the World at the end of the dance.... But it was fun anyway. Donna brought a black-light highlighter and we drew all over each other. I wrote on Sidney's arm and Donna's face :P Chelsea wrote "Alkatraz" on my arm and Donna wrote "Save me loser" on my cheek. It was fun. Okay nothing more to say for now.... Buh-bye all. TTFN
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haha cool....not really
i just fel like commenting ppl...
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