[118]What's with the weird dreams?

Feeling: alright
I keep having weird dreams lately. I don't know why. I had another one a couple nights ago. Here's how it goes: Jordan and I were walking along an old, abandoned hiking trail when we spotted something in the middle of the trail in a puddle. We both ran to see what it was. There was an anhk, a silver necklace with a old-looking pendant, and a fancy-looking wooden box with a metal clasp in the front. I put the anhk in my pocket and Jordan took the pendant,before I opened the box. Inside were several strange things. Two dice that looked like they'd melted together, a quarter that was one side gold and the other side silver, and a 59 dollar bill. There were other things, too, but I can't remember what they were. So when we got back to my house with the stuff, I found out the stuff in the box was rare, and sold it all for millions of dollars, only keeping the anhk and the wooden box. I wish that was real. Hahaha. I want an anhk.... :P Anyway. Mom bought Silent Hill 4 for us yesterday, and I'm surprised I didn't have a weird dream tonight.... Silent Hill 4 is kinda bad compared to SH2 (and so was SH3), but it's still kinda creepy. I don't know, I just don't get freaked out that easily anymore. The game's kind of annoying, actually. There are these floating bodies that make Henry have headaches and they can hurt him from across the room, and you can't kill them. Litterally. So you have to knockl them out and run around them, but they're fast fuckers and can catch up to Henry fast. I'm counting how many time the first girl (Cynthia) dies. So far it's... one. I'm only counting because in SH4, the girl that followed James around (Maria) died about 50 times. So I have a feeling they might do the same thing with Cynthia. There's this cute little boy in the game!!! He's so adorable, but according to Jess, he's supposed to be a demon child.... She found this creepy picture of him on the net. It's awesome! Anyway. I beat Underground twice. The second time was sweet!!! Instead of racing Eric at the end, when he tried blackmailing me with the tape, I just nailed him and stole the tape! It was awesome! Now I just need to beat Normal and Sick modes. Then I will be a true champion. Mwahahahaha! (Sorry....) Okay, I'm gonna go see if Jess wants to play SH4 some more. Buh-bye. TTFN! P.S. Ellen left yesterday. *Cries!*
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Lol, that'd be...odd :P

Yesh, hopefully *crosses my fingers too*

*Huggies!* :P
Sorry to be the Grammar Nazi, but its 'ankh'. =P

Weird dreams are all good. I have them all the time.

Whats worse is I can almost make my own dreams. I daydream while falling asleep, and I half dream about what I was day dreaming about.


Goddammit, I have to stop babbling about complete shit.
