[136]How many times do I have to say it before it gets bette

Listening to: crap on LaunchCast
Feeling: sane
This is about the fifteenth time I've said this in the past three entries, and nothing seems to be getting better. Life sucks. It turns out that Tweek is leaving Steller on December 2nd. Merry Christmas, huh? I know he's said that he was gonna leave before, but I can tell he's being serious this time. I know for two reaosns. One, he actually gave us a date for when he's leaving, and two, he dumped Carol, which he would never do if he had the choice. Anyway. Sandra and I went to see The Grudge, and it was FUCKING SCARY!!!! Haha, I was talking to Sid about it today, and I mentioned how I thought it was terrifying when I wasn't even scared by The Exorcist or The Ring (rated two most scary movies in America). Sid thought The Rin was scary, so he was kinda nervous about seeing The Grudge. I went to see The Incredibles with family too. It was pretty good, but not as good as I expected it to be. It was still better than most, though. Okay, I'm gonna go. Bye.
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