
Listening to: Finch -Untitled
Feeling: twitchy
Well, Jess was cranky today. We walked to BlockBuster's to crop off a movie, and she way yelling about EVERYTHING. I've never heard her say "fuck" that many times in my life. It was almost scary. When we were getting ready to go was when it started. Mom gave us money to get ice cream at Baskin Robin's, and Jess didn't want any, but I did. She kept telling me there was no point excercising if I'm just gonna eat more junk food anyway, in this really annoyed tone. So instead I got some juice. Anyway. We didn't say much important on the way there--Jess just bitched about stuff like she always does. I'm used to that. She's always complaining about something. But on the way back home was when she was really starting to get to me. I saw someone's trampoline and said I missed having one, because ours broke a while ago. So she started in on that. She started yelling about how if I wasn't saving for a lap top I didn't need then we could buy another one. I let that go, and told her that if she wants one too so badly then we could buy one. And then, of course, she said that SHE was saving for a digital camera. (SUCH A HYPOCRITE!) I even let that go. But then I mentioned that I should just put off saving for the lap top until I'm fourteen, so I can get a summer job and pay for the lap top that way, because everyone's telling me that there's no point saving for a lap top when you don't have a job. That's when she really started to get to me. She kept telling me that no one would hire a fourteen-year-old, and that I didn't want a job anyway because they suck. WELL WHAT THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'M OBVIOUSLY NOT GONNA AFFORD A FUCKING LAP TOP IF I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'VE BEEN SAVING FOR THE FUCKING LAP TOP FOR THREE FUCKING YEARS, AND I HAVE $120!!!!!!!! IF I DON'T GET A JOB I WON'T BE ABLE TO AFFORD A SANDWICH, LET ALONE A FUCKING COMPUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I don't feel better. At all. The fact that she said all that doesn't even bother me, it's the fact that she's right. I WANT A FUCKING LAP TOP!!!! How am I supposed to afford it? I've been trying! But my dumbass mom won't give me a penny for it.... I hate her sometimes! Three years I've been dedicated to getting this lap top and she can't LEND me two hundred fucking dollars! Well, fuck her. I hate people, I hate money, and I hate the fucking lap tops!!!!!
Read 5 comments
My advice? Just get new friends.

People will hire 14 year olds. When I was 14 people hired me.

Cause, when I was 14 I looked 16....

Meh. The point is I got hired when I was 14. So can you. =P
I think you're right. But I wanna meet Ryan!! :'( lol, I dunno if Jaren is still going to be around when school starts though. So, if you wanna meet before then lemme know, 'casue I'm gonna see Jaren on Friday(he's coming over again) and I can tell him about this then(I haven't said a damn thing to him about this :P)

I know *sniffel* ...Yesh, I think that I will use plan B. Mwahahahaha!! :P

Running out of room...
No, not JTHM Shmee. I was hanging out with Jess one day and I randomly though of a funny word(Shmiffel) thats where I got my nickname and then later that day I though of Shmee. We were laughing so hard at that..

Ooooh, I'm gonna get a job in October so, I'll help you pay for your lap top :)

Damn him and his stupid mood swings. Hey, wait, didn't he call me a bitch? Ha, he did, so screw him! :P

Haha, yeah they're awesome names :P

Haha, Yesh, I am the bestest!! :P jk

Dude, we got a bunny.....

By the way, if you don't mind hanging out at 5th Ave mall, then we can hang out like, anytime this week. Annnnd Jaren can hang out too :) So like me know where you wanna hang out and what day/time.

If it's easier for you, my email is MrsJordison66sic@hotmail.com :D
